Avoid Being a Tudor Actor in Shakespeare's Theatre
Jacqueline Morley, 2010
This book is yet another in the very popular Danger Zone series. The series presents many, many different times and places in history in a way that is easy to understand and interesting - mostly through using pictures and short asides of text.
One of the things I want to look at in my class next year is Shakespeare, so I'm trying to collect as much supporting material as I can. This book is yet another part of that with a really nice look at the living conditions and social history at the time of Shakespeare. There's only small parts about the plays themselves, but there are a couple of nice jokes if you know them.
The book also has all the conventions of an informational text, including headings and subheadings, an index and a glossary - which are all helpful for teaching :)
I highly recommend this whole series which so far covers Ancient History, English, American and Australian history. I'm sure they'll keep expanding it in the years to come.
Big Book List
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